Building or Property Owners
Images is continually seeking new sites to develop for outdoor advertising.
If you believe you have an ideal property for supergraphic advertising,
please let us know. We would be happy to assess your site and familiarize
you with the advantages of adding supergraphic advertising to your building.
Benefits to the Building and Property
owner include:
An additional source of revenue
No investment required
Enhanced asset value
Generate rental income from previously non-revenue generating space
Utility cost savings
State of the art installation options:
Supergraphic advertising is produced on Mylar and applied by the use of
a transparent vinyl adhesive material to the windows and/or adjoining
walls of your building, on open mesh or open weave, computer painted vinyl
screen material which is perforated for transparency and installed using
screw-in eyehooks and wires to attach the vinyl to the wall of the building.